Aims and objectives

The ESCMID Study Group for Nosocomial Infections (ESGNI) is at the forefront of fighting healthcare-associated infections. Dedicated to making a significant difference for patients, ESGNI commitment encompasses: 

  • Developing collaborative projects both within ESCMID and with partners like European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), European Societies of other medical specialties, as well as other key stakeholders
  • Encouraging, supporting, and conducting research in nosocomial infections including prevention and control
  • Contributing to the creation of evidence-based guidelines to strengthen Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) against nosocomial infections.
  • Leading the development of position papers
  • Conducting educational activities to enhance IPC skills of specialists and other healthcare professionals 
  • Providing relevant and adapted information to the public, patients, policy makers, and public bodies about the importance of nosocomial infections and advocating for effective IPC strategies.

Activities and resources

ESGNI Newsletter, December 2024 


ESGNI Newsletter, March 2024 


European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases/European Committee on infection control clinical guidelines on pre-operative decolonization and targeted prophylaxis in patients colonized by multidrug-resistant Gram-positive bacteria before surgery.

Righi E, Mutters NT, Guirao X, Dolores Del Toro M, Eckmann C, Friedrich AW, Giannella M, Presterl E, Christaki E, Cross ELA, Visentin A, Sganga G, Tsioutis C, Tacconelli E, Kluytmans J. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2024 Dec;30(12):1537-1550

Go to publication

Greater attention to flexible hospital designs and ventilated clinical facilities are a pre-requisite for coping with the next airborne pandemic. 

Humphreys H, Vos M, Presterl E, Hell M. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2023;29(10):1229–1231.

Go to publication

Controlling Outbreaks in Healthcare: The Role of Environmental Hygiene

7 March 2025 at 13:00 CET

Go to webinar

An introduction to healthcare associated waterborne infections: ecology, prevention, mitigation and control 

Post-graduate course


Executive Committee

  Elisabeth Presterl

Elisabeth Presterl

Medical University Vienna. Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology
Vienna, Austria
  Cansu Cimen Van Dijck

Cansu Cimen Van Dijck

University of Oldenburg. Institute for Medical Microbiology and Virology
Oldenburg, Germany
  Walter Zingg

Walter Zingg

Zurich University Hospital. Infection Control Programme
Zurich, Switzerland
  Margreet C. Vos

Margreet C. Vos

Science Officer
Erasmus Medical Center. Medical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
Rotterdam, Netherlands
  Stephanie  J. Dancer

Stephanie J. Dancer

Education Officer
NHS Lanarkshire
Glasgow, United Kingdom


If you have questions or comments for our study group, we warmly invite you to contact us!

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