Jobs & Talents

Welcome to our career hub, where excellence meets opportunity. As we continue to grow and evolve, we invite talented professionals to become part of our dynamic team, dedicated to advancement in Clinical Microbiology (CM) and Infectious Diseases (ID).


By joining the ESCMID workforce, you will be integrating a community of professionals who seek to advance the fields of CM and ID together, be it at the ESCMID office, or through open positions in our subcommittees.






23 July, 2024

Digital Learning Specialist (100%)

The Digital Learning Specialist will join the ESCMID education team supporting the development of high-quality online education. They will focus on the development of the ESCMID Academy online learning platform both in terms of content and design.

Basel, Switzerland

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17 June, 2024

Event Manager in Scientific Events (100%)

The Event Manager is part of the event team and part in the planning and organisation of ESCMID’s main annual congress and other events. They will be responsible for coordinating and supporting the logistics in preparation for the ESCMID events that happen throughout the year.

Basel, Switzerland

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23 May, 2024

Ethics Advisory Committee members

As an ESCMID Ethical Advisory Committee member (EEAC) you will be responsible for ESCMID counselling on specific ethical, regulatory, social, and philosophical issues related to ESCMID-funded research projects and the scientific behaviour of members or appointed persons in matters related to ESCMID activities.

Remote (honorary)

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Job offers in the ESCMID network

In collaboration with our global network, we help present opportunities that foster professional growth and interactions.







PhD position Clinical Pharmacology Antibiotics

Research position with focus on model-based dose optimisation of antibiotic treatment (in casu prophylactic treatment) using pharmacometric and machine learning tools

Ghent, Belgium

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Advertise open positions here!

You can promote your open positions in the fields of CM and ID through the ESCMID job platform. Please complete the form in full after signing in to your ESCMID account. The contact details of your institution or company, given as part of the user registration, will be published on the ESCMID website if no other address is given. Your job advert will be active for 2 months. (To have it taken offline earlier, please contact ESCMID Executive Office. You will receive an email notification when your job advert expires.)

Talent Pool

The ESCMID talent pool is where extraordinary individuals find the opportunity to drive innovation, advance medical knowledge, and shape the future of healthcare. By joining, you will be exposed to recruiters via ESCMID, with the aim to become an essential part of a global community dedicated to creating a transformative impact in CM and ID.



Field of interest

Geographical preference



Research position, Laboratory position

Clinical Microbiology, InfectiousDiseases, Microbiology, Pharmacology

Greece, Switzerland, Luxembourg, France, Austria, United Kingdom

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Clinical Research Associate, Clinical Trial Manager, Quality Assurance Manager

InfectiousDiseases, Epidemiology, Public Health, Microbiology, Pharmacology

Europe, USA, Canada, Australia, South Africa

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Infectious Disease Diagnostic Specialist

Clinical Microbiology, InfectiousDiseases, Epidemiology, Microbiology


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Infectious Disease Researcher or Clinician

Infectious Diseases, Infection Control

Europe/ Switzerland

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Clinical Microbiology, Microbiology, Pharmacology

Western/ Central Europe

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Research and Development Scientist

Clinical Microbiology, Infectious Diseases, Microbiology


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Microbiologist, zoonotic diseases specialist

Infectious Diseases, Microbiology


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Health Research Scientist

Clinical Microbiology, Infectious Diseases, Microbiology


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Infectious Disease Specialist

Infectious Diseases


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Upload your CV

Introduce yourself to potential employers through ESCMID. Fill in the CV form and complete every section in full. Note that personal data you provide will be made public, and your profile will be active for 6 months. Interested employers can contact the ESCMID Office to get in touch with you during this time. (To have your profile taken offline earlier, please send an e-mail to the ESCMID Executive Office. You will receive an email notification when your profile expires.)