ESCMID Collaborative Centres

ESCMID Collaborative Centres (ECCs) provide a space to observe and learn from one another, share the latest diagnostic and therapeutic practices, and build new connections. Members benefit from first-hand exposure to clinical practice in Clinical Microbiology (CM) and Infectious Diseases (ID) in a foreign country environment.


ESCMID drives collaboration between experts in the global medical field with the goal of expanding the network of participating ECC partners across Europe, to make the experience as rewarding as possible for members and institutions. By hosting visitors as an ECC, your institution will not only participate in this exciting, international knowledge-sharing mission, but you will also gain an ESCMID stamp of prestige, and the visibility that comes with it.

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If your institution is not already part of the network of participating ECCs, you are highly encouraged to take a look at the application requirements below.


Prospective ECCs are asked to provide the following background information to be considered: hospital location and demographics, including information about the department, services offered, staff competencies, notable achievements, and any special epidemiological characteristics of the country or area in which you are located. The range of institutions accepted include CM and ID services, as well as clinical bacteriology, and/or virology units. CM and ID departments within hospitals can apply either jointly or individually. If you are applying via joint application, please ensure you fill out separate application forms per department. 

Two external references (name, affiliation, and e-mail) should be provided along with your application – one of these references should be from another country other than your own. An ECC must be prepared to accept at least one ESCMID observer per year. The length of the visit shall be agreed upon between the ECC and the observer. As general guidance, the programme should last between five days and one month. As an ECC, you must be able to communicate with the observer in English. Additional languages of communication at the ECC will be indicated in the application form. ESCMID strongly encourages institutions outside of Europe to apply to join the ECC.

Application Procedure

Applications can be submitted all year round and are normally processed within two months of submission. ECC applications are a two-step process:

  • Step 1: Submission of a short profile as well as the name and email of two external references. Please note that one external reference should be from another country. 
  • Step 2: Provision of more details about your institution and department for potential observers. 

Completion of both steps is important. ECCs who have not completed Step 2 within six months of receiving conditional approval will be removed from the website. At least two reminders will be sent to applicants with an incomplete status within this six-month time-frame. Important: An institution is only allowed to accept ESCMID observerships after the successful completion of Step 1 and Step 2 of the application process, and after the observer has been approved by ESCMID.* 

*Observership applicants should be aware that they need a written acceptance from an ECC before they can apply. Applicants may apply for a joint ECC with another ECC in the same city provided they belong to a different field, e.g. a CM department with an ID department. Observers may then spend time in both departments during one visit.

Approval Procedure

After the application process is complete, the submitted information is checked for completeness by the ESCMID Executive Office and then presented to the ESCMID Executive Committee (EC). Applicants are primarily judged on the scope of their services, and what they can offer would-be observers. In the event an applicant is not immediately recognised by one or several ESCMID officers, reviewers are consulted. If the application receives a conditional approval, the EC reaches out to the applicant to request more administrative information. 

Becoming an ECC partner or an ESCMID observership member is an esteemed mark of prestige, yet it should not be considered an automatic stamp of quality approval.


ECC hosts are expected to accommodate at least two observership visits within a two-year period. Not meeting this requirement would unfortunately prompt a review and possible withdrawal of an ECC status.

Are you interested in becoming an ECC?

You can apply for free here


Yes, you have the option to apply for either CM or ID individually, or for both departments simultaneously.

Yes, you can update information such as description and contact details at any time without requiring new approval by sending ESCMID an email through the contact form.

Yes, you can temporarily deactivate your ECC for a specified duration. During this period, observers can view your profile but cannot apply for funded or unfunded observerships. A notice indicating the temporary inactive status will be displayed at the top of your ECC profile.

ESCMID offers both unfunded and funded observerships.

No, any official letter confirming acceptance of the observership with specific dates and purpose of the is enough.

You can check the status of applications on your profile under the ECC administrator. Further details are available in the guidance document here.

For unfunded observerships, ECCs define their own selection criteria without ESCMID interference. However, for funded observerships, the ESCMID Professional Affairs subcommittee handles the selection based on specified criteria found on the ESCMID webiste:
ESCMID: ESCMID funded Observerships

Yes, if the ESCMID Office is informed and the observership still occurs within one year. Exceptions can be made under special circumstances.

ECC profiles are open year-round for unfunded observerships. Funded observerships are available during specific call windows, typically held twice a year in Spring and Autumn. It is not possible to exclusively accept either funded or unfunded observerships.

No, funding is not provided to the ECC. Only observers accepted for funded observerships receive reimbursement according to ESCMID regulations upon visit completion and submission of the report.