Affiliated Societies

With its Affiliated Societies (AS), ESCMID strives to both promote the wider interests of specialist organisations and strengthen the already vibrant collaboration among worldwide experts and specialists in the fields of Clinical Microbiology (CM) and Infectious Diseases (ID).


Affiliating your society with ESCMID provides an opportunity to engage with a leading society dedicated to the advancement of CM and ID. ESCMID offers a platform for continuous professional and educational development, fosters collaboration among experts, and promotes research and best practices. Being affiliated with ESCMID means becoming part of a collaborative network for professionals to enhance the global standard of CM and ID while enjoying the numerous advantages ESCMID offers to its affiliates.

Contribute to the shaping of ESCMID activities:

  • Co-organise ESCMID Global sessions by suggesting topics and qualified speakers and chairs, helping to shape the scientific and educational programme. 
  • Propose post-graduate courses to be included in ESCMID’s educational programme for the upcoming year, ensuring that the educational content aligns with the needs of your members.

Increase your visibility and keep your members up to date with ESCMID activities:

  • Get your national or regional society more renowned in both a European and global context.
  • Promote your events with ESCMID for inclusion in the official calendar on the website, enhancing visibility and attracting a wider audience. 
  • Distribute ESCMID’s weekly newsletter among your members, keeping them informed about the latest developments and opportunities.

Enhance your networking opportunities

  • Nominate Local Champions to help strengthen connections between ESCMID and regional networks. Benefits and specific information for this special role will soon be available on the ESCMID website. 
  • Expand your global networks engaging with ESCMID and other affiliated societies within your field across different regions, fostering global connections.

Actively participate in ESCMID Global:

  • Send a representative to the ESCMID annual council meeting which takes place during ESCMID Global to take the opportunity to engage directly with the ESCMID president and president-elect and other affiliates. The AS representative receives a free registration to the congress. 
  • Select a young scientist among your society to receive a grant that covers free registration for ESCMID Global and provides 500 EUR (€) towards travel and accommodation. 
  • Promote your society and increase your visibility by participating in the ESCMID Networking Corner (ENC) / Affiliated Societies Corner (ASC) at ESCMID Global. Learn more here: ESCMID Global: ENC / ASC


Applications are open all year round. To apply, download and complete the application form above and send it with the statutes of your society translated into English. The ESCMID EC will review your application usually giving a response within 3 months of application. An AS is typically represented by their president. 

Annual affiliation fee:

Invoices for the following fees are sent at the end of each year. Applicants should wait for approval of their application before transferring fees.

< 100 members – 100 EUR (€)
≥ 100 and < 1000 members – 250 EUR (€)
≥ 1000 members – 500 EUR (€)
AS from low- and lower-middle-income countries (according to the World Bank classification) – 50 EUR (€)

The ESCMID Council is made up of international specialist societies under affiliation agreements with ESCMID. These members meet annually during ESCMID Global where the ESCMID President and President-elect provide updates on the previous year and outline the plans for the year ahead. During this council meeting, participants can give feedback and ask questions with a common objective: how to enhance the promotion of scientific progress, education, and professional affairs in the fields of CM and ID, both on a European and global scale.

Download Meeting Minutes

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List of ESCMID Affiliated Societies

Discover the current list of ESCMID Affiliated Societies, spanning the globe and covering a wide range of topics in CM and ID.






Australasian Society for Infectious Diseases (ASID)

President: Prof. Katie Flanagan

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Australian Society for Antimicrobials (ASA)

President: Prof. Geoffrey Coombs

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Österreichische Gesellschaft für Antimikrobielle Chemotherapie (ÖGACH)

President: Dr. Agnes Wechsler-Fördös

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Österreichische Gesellschaft für Hygiene, Mikrobiologie und Präventivmedizin (ÖGHMP)

President: Prof. Dr. Monika Ehling-Schulz

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Österreichische Gesellschaft für Infektionskrankheiten (OEGIT)

President: Prof. Dr. Florian Thalhammer

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Société belge d’Infectiologie et Microbiologie Clinique (SBIKM)

President: Prof. Olivier Denis

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Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Association of Infectologists in Bosnia and Herzegovina (AIBIH)

President: Prof. Dr. Dilista Piljić

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Bulgarian Association for Prevention and Infection Control (BulNoso)

President: Prof. (Ms.) Rossitza Vatcheva-Dobrevska

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Bulgarian Association of Microbiologists (BAM)

Treasurer: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Iva Christova

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Colombian Association of Infectious Diseases (ACIN)

President: Alfonso Javier Rodriguez-Morales

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Croatian Society for Clinical Microbiology of the Croatian Medical Association

President: Prof Prof. Jasmina Vraneš

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Croatian Society for Infectious Diseases of the Croatian Medical Association

President: Asst. Prof. Marija Santini
Secretary: General Dr. Neven Papić

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Croatian Society of Travel, Tropical and Migration Medicine of the Croatian Medical Association

Representative: Prof. Davorka Lukas

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Cyprus Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases

Representative: Prof. Georgios L. Petrikkos


Czech Republic

Czech Society for Medical Microbiology (SPLM)

President: Prof. Dr. Pavel Drevinek

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Danish Infectious Disease Society

Chair: Dr. Ole Kirk

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Danish Society for Clinical Microbiology (DSKM)

Chairman: Dr. Thomas Vognbjerg Sydenham

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Estonian Society for Laboratory Medicine

Chief Medical Officer: Paul Naaber, MD PhD Kliiniline juht

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Clinical Microbiologists of Finland

Secretary: Minna Paloniemi

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Finnish Society for the Study of Infectious Diseases (ITY)

Secretary: Annamari Heikinheimo

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Infectious Disease Society of Finland

Representative: Pia Kivelä



Nordic Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (NSCMID)

Representative: Dr. Asko Järvinen



Société Française de Microbiologie (SFM)

President: Prof. Sonia Burrel

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Société de Pathologie Infectieuse de Langue Française (SPILF)

President: Dr. Bernard Castan
Vice-President: Prof. Pierre Tattevin

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Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hygiene und Mikrobiologie (DGHM)

President: Prof. Dr. med. Jan Buer

Manager: Dr. Nicole von Maltzahn

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Deutsche Gesellschaft für Infektiologie (DGI)

President: Prof. Dr. B. Salzberger

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European Society of Mycobacteriology (ESM)

President: Dr. Daniela Maria Cirillo

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German Association for the Control of Virus Diseases (DVV)

President: Prof. Dr. Helmut Fickenscher

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Paul Ehrlich-Gesellschaft für Infektionstherapie e.V. (PEG)

President: Prof. Dr. Mathias WR Pletz

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Hellenic Society for Chemotherapy

President: Prof. Dr. Helen Giamarellou



Hellenic Society for Microbiology

President: Prof. Dr. Athanassios Tsakri



Hungarian Society of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology

President: Dr. Botond Lakatos


Iran, Islamic Republic of

Iranian Scientific Associations of Clinical Laboratory (ISACL)

Chairman: Dr. Sh. Hemmati

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Iran, Islamic Republic of

Iranian Society of Microbiology (ISM)

President: Prof. Mohammad Mehdi Feizabadi

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Irish Society of Clinical Microbiology

President: Prof. Breida Boyle

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Israel Society for Medical Mycology (ISMM)

Prof. (Ms.) Esther Segal

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Israeli Society for Infectious Diseases

Prof. Galia Rhava



Associazione Microbiologi Clinici Italiani EST (AMCLI-EST)

President Dr. Pierangelo Clerici

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Italian Society of Microbiology (Società Italiana di Microbiologia) (SIM)

Prof. Stefania Stefani

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La Società Italiana per la Terapia Antinfettiva (SITA)

President Prof. Matteo Bassetti

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Societa Italiana Multidisciplinare per la Prevenzione delle Infezioni nelle Organizzazioni Sanitarie (SIMPIOS)

President Dr. Angelo Pan

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Società Italiana di Malattie Infettive e Tropicali (SIMIT)

President Prof. Claudio M. Mastroianni

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World Association for Infectious Diseases and Immunological Disorders (WAidid)

Prof. Susanna Esposito

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Korea, Republic of

The Korean Society of Clinical Microbiology (KSCM)

Chairperson Prof. Mi-Na Kim

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Kosovo Society for Microbiology

President Prof. Lul Raka



Association of Latvian Medical Microbiologists (LMMA)




Lithuanian Society for Infectious Diseases (LID)

President Dr. Danguole Vaznaisiene

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Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of

North Macedonian Society of Infectious Diseases

Associate Prof. Dr. Marija Dimzova M.D.Ph.D.

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Dutch Society for Medical Microbiology (NVMM)

Prof. Dr. Heiman Wertheim

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Norwegian Society for Medical Microbiology (NFMM)

Toré Lierre

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Norwegian Society of Infectious Diseases (NFIM)

President Dr. Kristian Tonby

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Medical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Society of Pakistan (MMIDSP)

General Secretary Dr. (Ms.) Summiya Nizamuddin

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Panamerican Society of Infectious Diseases (API)

President Dr. Gustavo Lopardo

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Peruvian Society of Infectious and Tropical Diseases (SPEIT)

President Dr. Juan Carlos Celis Salinas

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Polish Association of Epidemiologists and Infectiologists

President Prof. Dr hab. Robert FLISIAK, MD, PhD

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Polish Society of Microbiologists

Prof. Dr hab. Stefan Tyski

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Portuguese Society of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology (SPDIMC)

Dr. Joaquim Oliveira

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Portuguese Society of Microbiology (SPM)

President Prof. Jorge Pedrosa

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Romanian Society for Medical Mycology and Mycotoxicology (SRMMM)

President Prof. Dr. Mihai Mares

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Serbian Medical Society (SMS)

President Dr. Branislava KOCIC



Serbian Society of Medical Mycology (SSMM)

Prof. Dr. Valentina Arsic Arsenijevic

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Slovenian Society for Clinical Microbiology and Hospital Infections of SMC

President Assist. Prof. Dr. Tadeja MATOS

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Sociedad Española de Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiología Clínica (SEIMC)

President Prof. Jordi Vila

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Swedish Society of Clinical Microbiology (FKM)

President/Chair Tobias Allander, M.D., Ph.D

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Swedish Society of Infectious Diseases

Chairman Malin Ackefors

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Swiss Society for Infectious Diseases (SSID)

President Prof. Dr. med. Pierre-Yves Bochud

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Swiss Society for Microbiology (SSM)

Prof. Gilbert Greub

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Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology Specialty Society of Turkey (EKMUD)

President Prof. Dr. Yasmin Cag

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Turkish Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (KLIMIK)

Prof. Alpay Azap

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Turkish Society of Microbiology (TMC)

President Prof. Candan Çiçek

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Turkısh Society of Clinical Microbiology (KLIMUD)

President Prof. Faruk Aydin, MD

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Public Organisation “BACTERIOLOGICAL STATION -Ukraine” (ACSB)

Chairman Serhii Demchenko

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United Kingdom

British Infection Association (BIA)

Prof. Martin Llewellyn

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United Kingdom

British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy (BSAC)

Dr. David Jenkins

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United Kingdom

European Society for Clinical Virology (ESCV)

President Prof. Mariet Feltkamp

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United Kingdom

Healthcare Infection Society (HIS)

Dr Manjula Meda

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United Kingdom

Infection Prevention Society (IPS)

President Lisa Butcher PA to the IPS Board and MEG: Ms. Lynne Duncan

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United Kingdom

Scottish Microbiology Association (SMA)

President Mrs. Jenny Smith Honorary Secretary Keira McAllister

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