Copyright rules

Please read the ESCMID Copyright rules.

  • Material from ESCMID congresses, conferences and courses is available for the public in the ESCMID Library (
  • You may use this material (abstracts, posters, webcasts) without asking for permission in the individual case.
  • The copyright lies with ESCMID and the author(s). As long as you give credit to this and do not alter the material, you may use it without further restriction and without any charge.

Material from ESCMID congresses, conferences and courses is usually restricted to ESCMID members in the first year of appearance. All material is free to the public after 365 days.

How to cite ESCMID material

Here are standard reference samples:

Short: X. Author et al. ECCMID 2017 accepted abstract (Poster number PXXXX)

Long: X. Author1, Y. Author2, Z. Author3. Title of the Abstract. ECCMID 2017 accepted abstract (Poster number PXXXX)

Short or Long version can be supplemented with the direct link.

  • You search for the material (by author name or session number) in the ESCMID Library
  • When you right-click on the document to copy the address link you can paste into your document.