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Eccmid goes to ECCMID!

Copan Booth and Sundowner Symposium

Dear ECCMID attendee,
The European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases has always been the best opportunity to showcase our latest releases, establish meaningful connections with global experts, and engage in discussions that will shape the future of microbiology. Do you relate to this? This year’s event in Barcelona will be no less, so join us and prepare for what’s coming!

  • Discover new ideas and gold standards in microbiology, and chat with our experts at booth D19, Hall 7.
  • Attend our sundowner symposium, “Human and technological evolution: seeding the diagnostics of tomorrow,” Sunday, April 28, 16-17:30 CEST, Hall "O". Seven speakers for a 90-minute dive into the technologies that evolved and will continue to evolve clinical microbiology.

Get all the details about the booth and symposium, mark your calendar, and contact us for more information on our ECCMID landing page:

Visit Copan’s ECCMID landing page
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